Cumberland Valley Business Park

Cumberland Valley Business Park Association (CVBPA)







(Adopted___1998 by LIDA)




    The Design Guidelines have been established to ensure proper placement of buildings within the Cumberland Valley Business Park, to set its tone, and to protect property values by assuring appropriate appearance, operation, and maintenance.

    They establish specific criteria, including site planning, architectural and landscape design, signing, and lighting.

    These guidelines will be used by the Development Review Committee (DRC) established by the Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions (CC&R's) to evaluate proposed development. They are intended to provide uniform criteria by which each proposal may be evaluated.

    Approval shall be based, among other things, upon adequacy of site dimensions, adequacy of structural design, conformity and harmony of external design with neighboring structures, effect of location and use of proposed improvements upon neighboring property, proper facing of main elevation with respect to nearby streets, adequacy of screening of mechanical, air conditioning, or other rooftop installations, and conformity of the plans and specifications to the purpose and intent of the Design Guidelines and CC&R's.

    The Administrator, after recommendation from the DRC, shall be the sole arbiter of the plans and specifications and may withhold approval on any reasonable grounds including, but not limited to, the following:

    1. Failure to comply with any of the restrictions set forth in the Design Guidelines or CC&R's.

    2. Failure to include information in plans and specifications as may have been reasonably i requested by the DRC.

    3. Objection to the exterior design, the appearance of materials, or materials employed in any proposed structure.

    4. Objection on the ground of incompatibility of any proposed structure or use with existing structures or uses upon other parcels, or other property in the vicinity of the subject property.

    5. Objection to the location of any proposed structure with reference to other parcels or other property in the vicinity.

    6. Objection to the grading or landscaping of any parcel.

    7. Objection to the color scheme, finish, proportions, style of architecture, height, bulk, or appropriateness of any structure.

    8. Objection to the number or size of parking or loading spaces, or to the design of the parking or loading area.

    9. Any other matter which, in the judgment of the DRC or the Administrator, would render the proposed improvements or use inharmonious with the master plan for the Cumberland Valley Business Park, the Design Guidelines, or with improvements located upon other parcels or property in the vicinity.


    Plan submissions will be required for new construction, as well as significant revisions, alterations, additions, or changes of use for approved or existing developments within the Cumberland Valley Business Park.

    The DRC may establish a review fee to cover the cost of review of plans and specifications, such fee to be consistent with the type of review being conducted. Plans and specifications shall not be considered to have been properly submitted to the DRC unless and until the review fee has bee paid to the Administrator.

    Required submissions shall be filed with the Cumberland Valley Business Park administrator. Each stage of plan submission will require a minimum of two (2) sets of plans containing the specific information described below. All building and landscape plans shall be prepared by individuals licensed in accordance with the laws of Pennsylvania.

  1. Pre-Submittal Meeting
  2. Building designs and site layouts shall be discussed in general at the earliest possible meeting of the Administrator, the owner, his architect and representatives of the DRC. The purpose of this meeting shall be to introduce the owner and his architect to the Cumberland Valley Business Park and provide any interpretation of the CC&R?s and the Design Guidelines.

  3. Preliminary Plan Approval.

New Development.

A preliminary plan submission is required to convey specific information about the site planning and architecture of a proposed development. The preliminary plan package should be submitted to the DRC prior to, or concurrent with, submission of plans to Greene and/or Letterkenny Townships. The package should include, to the extent applicable as determined by the DRC:

1. Site Plan indicating the following:

  1. Building footprints and dimensions to property lines.
  2. Building roof overhangs.
  3. Location and configuration of parking and vehicular circulation areas.
  4. Location of parking lot lighting.
  5. Truck service, loading area, trash enclosures.
  6. Setback and easement lines.
  7. Location of on-site transformers, electrical switch gear and utility meters.
  8. Adjacent roadways, including curb lines.
  9. Tabulation of:
    • Parcel area
    • Total building floor area
    • Site coverage
    • Building coverage
    • Total parking provided
    • Total parking required
    • Estimated total employees on site at any peak time
    • The anticipated number of shifts and the hours and days of their operation
  1. Conceptual Grading and Drainage Plan indicating:
  1. A topographical plan showing contour grades (with 2-foot intervals, unless otherwise specified by
  2. the DRC) and the location of all proposed improvements.

  3. Proposed finished grades, slopes, and building pad elevations
  4. Site drainage structures and system, as well as cut-and-fill details, if any appreciable change in contour is planned.
  5. Grades of existing streets and curbs
  6. Location of street lighting and utility structures
  1. Conceptual Landscape Plan indicating:
  1. Plant materials, sizes, and spacing
  2. Walkways and paved areas
  3. Buffers, screening and any other landscape design features
  1. Building Elevations of all sides of all proposed buildings indicating:
  1. Wall and roof materials, textures, and colors
  2. Location of wall mounted lighting and signing
  3. Roof and parapet heights above finished elevation
  4. The profile of any roof-mounted mechanical equipment which extends above the roof parapet.
  1. Building Floor Plans, including square footage calculations and proposed uses.
  2. Building Roof Plans indicating:
  1. Roof elevations above finished floor
  2. Heights and locations of roof-mounted mechanical equipment where available
  1. Outline Specifications of all building materials
  2. Conceptual Graphics and Wall-Mounted Signs
  1. Ground signs and wall-mounted signs:
    • Locations
    • Designs, materials, textures, colors, heights, areas
    • Illumination
    • Typography
  1. A plan showing such other matters as may be required by the then applicable municipal ordinances
  2. having jurisdiction over the parcel.

    Any other data or information requested or deemed reasonably necessary by the Administrator and/or the DRC.

    Revision, Alteration, Addition, or Change of Use.

    Preliminary plans may be required to be submitted for major revisions, alterations, additions, or changes of use to approved or existing developments. A determination of whether a preliminary plan is required will be made by the Administrator.

    Preliminary plans for this purpose must be submitted and approved before construction documents are submitted and before the commencement of construction.

    Revisions, alterations, additions, or changes of use require the submission of a minimum of two (2) sets of documents including:

    1. A written description of the nature and extent of the proposed revisions, alterations, additions, or
    2. use to be undertaken.

    3. Indications of proposed revisions, alterations, additions, or changes to:
      1. The site plan
      2. The grading and drainage plan
      3. The landscape plan
      4. The building floor plans
      5. The building elevations, including:

    -Wall and roof materials, textures, and colors

    -Exterior sign age and lighting

    -Roof and parapet heights above the finished elevation

    -The profile of roof-mounted mechanical equipment which extends above the roof


    1. Tabulations of:
      1. The existing and new total building floor area
      2. The existing and new site coverage (building, parking, landscaping)
      3. The existing and new parking to be provided
      4. Calculations demonstrating the new required parking
      5. The new estimated peak employee count
    1. Outline specifications of construction materials

    2-3 Construction Documents

    construction document plans and specifications shall be submitted in duplicate to the DRC prior to the construction of any improvements in the Cumberland Valley Business Park. All applicants are required to submit copies of the same construction documents, which are submitted to Greene and/or Letterkenny Townships. Construction documents will be reviewed for compliance with approved preliminary plans and any conditions of such approval.

    Such plans and specifications shall include, to the extent applicable, as determined by the DRC, the following:

    1. Final grading and drainage, and paving plan
    2. Site development plan, including any proposed alleys, walkways, easements, utilities, storage and trash locations with any related screening.
    3. Architectural, structural, mechanical, plumbing and electrical drawings.
    4. Construction specifications, including fire protection system.
    5. Landscape planting plans, including walkways, fences, walls, elevations changes, vegetation ? both existing and proposed, and other decorative features. Any plants or structures intended to be used for buffers or screening should be noted as such.
    6. Exterior illumination plan, including location, manufacturer?s fixture number, and support photometric test data.
    7. Exterior signage plan, including size, shape, color, contents, location, materials, and illumination.

    2.4 Approval Procedure.

    At such time as the plans and specifications are found to be in compliance with the Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions, and the Design Guidelines, one )1) set of plans and specifications shall be retained by the Administrator, and one (1) complete set of plans shall be marked "Approved" or "Approved subject to conditions", dated, signed and returned to the owner or his designated representative. If not approved, one (1) set of such plans and specifications shall be marked "Disapproved", dated, signed, and returned to the owner or his designated representative. The second set of plans shall be marked "Approved", Approved subject to conditions", or "Not approved", and remain on file with the Administrator. All returned plans shall be accompanied by a letter summarizing comments, recommendations, requirements, and findings. Any material modifications or changes to the approved set of plans and specifications must again be submitted to the DRC for its review.

    "Approved". Approved documents permit the applicant to proceed.

    "Approved subject to conditions". Documents so marked permit the applicant to proceed, provided the applicant complies with the conditions specified by the DRC and/or the Administrator. If the applicant takes exception to the specified conditions, the applicant must do so in writing by certified mail addressed to the Administrator of the Cumberland Valley Business Center within ten (10) day from the date of the applicant?s receipt of the returned documents. Unless such action is taken, the Administrator will assume that all conditions are acceptable to and approved by the applicant.

    "Not approved". Revised documents must be submitted if approval is sought.

      1. Basis for Approval.
      2. The DRC is authorized and empowered to consider and review any and all aspects of construction, location, quantity, and quality of improvements and landscaping which may, in the reasonable opinion of the DRC, affect the general value of the Cumberland Valley Business Park. The DRC is permitted to consider technological advances in design and materials and such comparable or alternative techniques, methods, or materials may or may not be permitted, in accordance with the reasonable opinion of the DRC.

        The Administrator shall be the sole arbiter of the plans and specifications and may, as long as it is exercising reasonable discretion, withhold approval for any reason, including determination that the style, size, materials, or other features of the proposed construction would not be aesthetically compatible with the Property, and it shall be entitled to stop any construction in violation of these restrictions.

      3. Conditions of Approval
      4. As a condition of approval under this Section, an owner, on behalf of himself and his successors and assigns, shall automatically be deemed to assume all responsibilities for maintenance, repair, replacement, and insurance to and on any change, modifications, addition, or alteration.

        At the discretion of the Administrator, and owner may be made to verify such condition of approval by a recordable written instrument acknowledged by such owner on behalf of himself and his successors and assigns.

      5. Statutory Requirements.

    The DRC;?s and Administrator?s approval of plans and specifications constitutes consent to the proposed improvements. In no event shall such approval be construed to be the municipal authority?s engineering or code compliance review and approval of the proposed plans and specifications. Approval of the applicant?s plans, specifications, calculations, or work shall not constitute an implication, representation, or certification by Cumberland Valley Business Park that the above items are in compliance with applicable statutes, codes, ordinances, or other regulations.

    The Cumberland Valley Business Park Design Guidelines are in no way intended to supercede any applicable statutes, codes, ordinances, or regulations of controlling governmental jurisdictions. Should any portions of the Cumberland Valley Business Park CC&R's or Design Guidelines be found to encourage violations of applicable statutes, codes, ordinance, or other governmental regulations, these discrepancies should be brought to the immediate attention of the Administrator.

    The applicant shall have the sole responsibility for compliance with all applicable statutes, codes, ordinances, or other regulations for all work performed on the premises by or on behalf of the applicant.

    2. For Design Guideline purposed only, the Cumberland Valley Business Park has been divided into four districts (see Exhibit "A"). Unless noted for particular district, guidelines will apply to all districts.

      Central District. This is the "prime" district and has the highest land values. The intent of the district is to set the visual tone of the Park.

      Southern District. This district contains the most existing development and access to rail lines. The intent of the district if to permit use/reuse of existing and any new construction.

      Northern District. This district is for large footprint uses. The intent of the district is to accommodate and encourage a variety of developers on medium to large size parcels.

      Highway District. This district implements and complies with the Highway Commercial (HC) zoning on Greene Township. It will provide for support commercial uses for the Park and the surrounding community.



    The following site planning guidelines are established in order to ensure the development of a high quality Cumberland Valley Business Park. The site planning guidelines are intended to implement the intent and purpose of the Master Plan.

    4.1 General

    Guideline: Facility entrance drives shall be readily observable to the first time visitor.

    Guideline: Passive solar-design orientation is encouraged.

    Guideline: Minimum conflict shall exist between service vehicles, private automobiles, and

    Pedestrians within the site.

    Guideline: Visitor building entrances shall be readily identifiable and accessible to the first

    Time visitor.

    Guideline: Delivery, loading and service areas shall be readily identifiable and accessible to

    The first time visitor.

    Guideline: Building entrances should be highlighted by such features as ceremonial entries,

    Plazas, special planters and plantings, and architectural walls.

    Guideline: Architecture will be evaluated based on its compatibility and relationships to the

    Landscape and the entire Cumberland Valley Business Park development.

      1. Building Site Coverage
      2. Guideline: The maximum building coverage of all buildings, including accessory buildings

        But not including parking structures or surface parking, should not exceed

        50% of the gross lot area.

      3. Building Height.

    Guideline: Where a lot has frontage on 2 or more streets or other public rights-of-way, the

    Height limitations shall apply only as measured from the curb level along the

    Street or right-of-way with the higher elevation above sea level.

    Guideline: Chimneys, flues, towers, spires, cupola domes, pole masts, and antennas, shall

    Be exempt from height limitations, provided their location is not in the required

    Building setback, and they comply with Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)


    Guideline: The maximum building heights shall be the following in each district of the

    Cumberland Valley Business Park.

    District Height Limit

    Central District 45-feet

    Southern District 45-feet

    Northern District 45-feet

    Highway District 35-feet

    4.4 Front Yard Setback

    Guideline: On corner lots, front yards shall be required on both street frontages. One yard

    Other than the front yard shall be deemed to be a rear yard, and the other (or

    Others) side yards.

    Guideline: Where a lot extends through from street to street, the front yard setback

    Requirement shall apply to both street frontages.

    Guideline: Fences located within the front yard or otherwise located along a street shall be

    Exempt from setback requirements, provided that:

      1. such fences are not located in the Clear Sight Triangle (see Article 8.5);
      2. ` (2) such fences are located, constructed and maintained so as not to obscure

        or impair the visibility of an operator of a motor vehicle exiting the

        property; and

      3. such fences are see-through type fencing, being constructed of post and

    rail, picket or other similar type fencing material.

    Guideline: Front yard setbacks shall be provided as follows:

    District Front yard setback

    Central District 75-feet

    Southern District 75-feet

    Northern District 75-feet

    Highway District 50-feet

    Guideline: No obstructions to vision exceeding 30" in height above curb level shall be

    Erected or maintained within a Clear Sight Triangle (see Article 8.5)

    Guideline: The remaining front yard setback area shall be fully landscaped in a manner

    Both compatible with and complimentary to the on-site architecture and

    Landscape design concepts.

      1. Side Yard and Rear Yard Setbacks.
      2. Guideline: No principal building shall be located closer to a property line than:

        District Side Yard Rear Yard

        Central District 30-feet 50-feet

        Southern District 30-feet 50-feet

        Northern District 30-feet 50-feet

        Highway District 25-feet 30-feet

        Guideline: Cornices, canopies, eaves or other architectural features may project into side

        Yards a distance not exceeding 2" per 1? of side yard, but may not exceed a total

        Of 3?.

        Guideline: Bay windows, balconies, fireplaces, uncovered stairways and necessary

        Landings, and chimneys may project no more than 3? into a required setback.

        Guideline: Fences are exempt from side and rear yard setback requirements.

        Guideline: No side or rear yard shall be required where such yard abuts an operating

        Railroad right-of-way.

        Guideline: Accessory buildings or uses shall be located no closer than 10? to any side

        Or rear property line abutting a residential use or zoning district.

      3. Sidewalks
      4. Guideline: On-site pedestrian circulation systems shall be provided to meet the circulation

        Needs of on-site users. Such systems should provide a safe, all-weather-

        Efficient, and aesthetically pleasing means of on-site movement and should be

        An integrated part of the overall architectural and site design concept..

        Guideline: Where usage dictates, connections should be made between on-site and

        Perimeter and/or adjacent circulation systems.

      5. Refuse Collection Areas.
      6. Guideline: All outdoor refuse collection areas shall be completely enclosed and screened by

        A constructed wall of durable, noncombustible material not less than six (6) feet

        In height, so as not to be visible from adjacent lots or sites, neighboring

        Properties or streets.

        Guideline: All such areas shall have concrete floors and shall be sufficient in size to contain

        All refuse generated on site and deposited between collections, but in no event

        Less than six (6) feet by eight (8) feet.

        Guideline: No refuse collection areas shall be permitted between a street and the front of a


        Guideline: Refuse collection enclosures shall be designed of durable material and finishes

        With colors which are unified and harmonious with the overall architectural

        Concept of a site.

        Guideline: Refuse collection areas shall be located on a site as to provide clear and

        Convenient access to refuse generated.

      7. Screening of Exterior Mechanical Equipment.
      8. Guideline: In the case of roof-mounted mechanical equipment, building parapets

        Should be of such a height that roof-mounted screening devices not be

        Required. If building parapets do not provide the required screening

        Device that will appear as an integrated part of the overall architectural


        Guideline: Any devices employed to screen exterior components of plumbing,

        Processing, heating, cooling, and ventilating systems from direct view

        Shall appear as integrated parts of the architectural design and, as such,

        Shall be constructed of complementary and durable materials and finished

        In a texture and color scheme complementary to the overall architectural


        Guideline: No exterior components of plumbing, processing, heating, cooling, and

        Ventilating systems shall be mounted on any building wall unless they

        Are integrated architectural design features.

      9. Screening of Exterior Electrical Equipment and Transformers.
      10. Guideline: Transformers that may be visible from any primary visual exposure area shall be

        Screened with either plantings or a durable noncombustible enclosure.

        Guideline: Transformer enclosures should be designed of durable materials and finishes

        and colors which are unified and harmonious with the overall architecture of

        The site.

        Guideline: When interior mounting of electrical equipment is not practical, electrical equipment shall be mounted in a location where it is substantially screened from public view. In no case shall exterior electrical equipment be mounted on the street side or primary exposure side of any building.

        Guideline: Exterior-mounted electrical equipment and conduits shall be kept to a visible minimum. Where visible they shall be installed in a neat and orderly fashion, and shall be painted to blend with their mounting backgrounds.

      11. Fences and Walls.
      12. Guideline: Walls and fences between buildings and fronting streets are discouraged. Where provided, they shall not exceed 3 feet in height within 30 feet of the curbline of a fronting street.

        Guideline: No fence or wall shall exceed a height of 8 feet unless otherwise approved.

        Guideline: All fences and walls shall be designed as integrated parts of the overall architectural and site design. All materials shall be durable and finished in textures and colors complimentary to the overall architectural design.

      13. Storage and Service Areas.

    Guideline: No materials, supplies, or equipment, including trucks or other motor vehicles, shall be stored upon a site except inside a closed building or behind a durable material wall not less than 6 feet in height, screening such from adjacent sites so as not to be visible from neighboring properties and streets.

    Guideline: Any outdoor storage areas shall be located upon the areas portions of a site, unless otherwise approved by the DRC and Administrator.



    It is the intent of the following criteria to create an environment which though its own design lends itself to integration into the surrounding agricultural community. The architectural character of the facilities should emit a quietness and serenity which does not vie for attention with adjacent buildings, yet has the imagery of a showplace for the owner and demonstrates pride in the Cumberland Valley Business Park.

    5.1 General.

    Guideline: To provide an overall high quality, special emphasis shall be placed upon methods

    that encourage tasteful, imaginative design.

    Guideline: Radical theme structures, signage, building and roof forms which draw unnecessary

    Attention from the public thoroughfare to the buildings shall not be acceptable.

    Guideline: Buildings compatible with the surrounding agricultural community are encouraged.

    Guideline: All property owners should explore the creative possibilities of their sites and building


      1. Minimum Building Size.
      2. Guideline: Minimum building sizes shall comply with the following requirements:

        District Minimum Building Size

        Central District 10,000 square feet

        Southern District N/A

        Northern District .3 Floor Area Ratio (Bldg. To lot)

        Highway District N/A

      3. Exterior Building Walls.
      4. Guideline: One dominant material should be selected and expressed with its own natural integrity.

        Materials which convey permanence, substance, timelessness and restraint are


        Guideline: Low maintenance should be a major consideration.

        Guideline: Buildings fronting along Coffey Avenue shall have no metal siding, except for

        Architectural features.

        Elsewhere, a maximum of 50% metal siding shall be permitted for that portion of a

        building facing a street. Metal siding shall be permitted on all other sides.

        Guideline: Drainage pipes on building fronts must be interior and not exposed.

      5. Building Roofs.
      6. Guideline: Architectural metal (including standing seam) roofs shall be permitted.

        Guideline: Low-profile roof materials should not be restricted.

        Guideline: In instances where flat roof areas can be viewed from above, care should be taken that

        all roof vents, roof mounted mechanical equipment, pipes, etc., are grouped together

        and painted to match the roof color to reduce their appearance.

        Guideline: Mechanical equipment screening: All roof-mounted mechanical equipment shall be

        screened from view by parapet walls or other screening methods. Screens shall be

        attractive in appearance and reflect or complement the architecture of the building to

        which they belong. At a minimum, all screening shall be the height of the mechanical

        equipment. Consideration shall be given to the view from adjacent development.

      7. Color and Texture.

    Guideline: Simple and uniform texture patterns are encouraged to create shadow patterns.

    Guideline: Variations in color should be kept to a minimum.

    Guideline: Colors shall be subdued in tone.

    Guideline: Accent colors may be used to express corporate identity.


    The objectives of the exterior lighting standards are:

      1. to contribute to the safe and efficient use of a development site;
      2. to contribute to the site security;
      3. to compliment and reinforce the architecture and site design character;
      4. to keep on-site parking lighting fixtures and illumination levels consistent throughout the
      5. Cumberland Valley Business Park;

      6. to prevent casting glare onto adjacent lots; and
      7. to prevent casting glare onto adjacent streets in such a manner as to decrease the safety of

    vehicular movement.

    Guideline: All lighting potentially visible from an adjacent street, except bollard lighting less

    than 42" high, shall be indirect or shall incorporate a full cut-off shield-type


    Guideline: Lighting fixtures for parking areas, access drives, and internal vehicular circulation

    areas shall be a zero cut-off. The parking lot illumination level shall achieve a level

    of uniformity ratio of 3 to 1 (average to maximum) with a maintained average of 1

    footcandle and a minimum of 0.3 footcandle.

    Guideline: Service area lighting shall be contained within service yard boundaries and

    Enclosure walls. No light spillover should occur outside the service area.

    Guideline: Building illumination and architectural lighting shall be indirect in character (no

    Light source visible). Indirect wall lighting, or "wall-washing:, or overhead down

    Lighting should articulate and animate the particular building design, as well as

    Provide the required functional lighting for safety and clarity of pedestrian


    Guideline: Pedestrian lighting is divided into two types of areas:

      1. Primary areas: outdoor pedestrian use areas such as a courtyard, entryway, etc.
      2. pedestrian area lighting should achieve a uniformity ratio of 3.5 to 1 (average

        to minimum), with an average illumination of 0.60 footcandle and a minimum

        of 0.18 footcandle.

      3. Secondary areas: walk lighting, where point-to-point lighting is acceptable,

    with no specific illumination levels required. The main emphasis in this area

    should be to clearly identify the pedestrian walkway and direction of travel.


    7.1 When Required.

    Guideline: Screening shall be provided within a buffer area to ease the transition of one land use

    or activity to another.

      1. All articles being stored, maintained, repaired, processed, erected, fabricated,
      2. dismantled, or salvaged, such that the activity is not visible from surrounding

        properties or streets.

      3. Refuse storage and loading areas so that they are not visible from surrounding
      4. Properties or streets.

      5. Rooftop and ground level mechanical equipment so that they are not visible
      6. from surrounding properties and streets.

      7. All trash dumpsters or containers used for recycling shall be screened on

    three (3) sides with architectural screening supplemented by plantings.

    screening shall be based upon the standards below and subject to the approval

    of the Administrator.

      1. Four (4) foot tall architectural screening is acceptable when household
      2. style trash containers are used in place of dumpsters.

      3. The requirements for supplemental planting may be waived by the

    Administrator in cases where dumpsters or containers are added to an

    Existing development. In determining whether to grant a waiver, the

    Administrator shall be guided by: proximity of the facility to residential

    Development; efficacy of screening to mitigate any adverse effect of the use; and benefit of the screening relative to its cost.

    Guideline: When a site plan is submitted to modify an existing building or site improvements, or

    Accommodate a change in land/building use, screening requirements shall only be

    Applied to those portions of the site that are directly affected by the proposed

    Improvements, or change in land/building use, as determined by the Administrator.

    Guideline: All uses in the Central District and Highway District shall comply with the following:

    Where adjoins a residential use or zoning district, along each property line which is

    adjacent to the use or district, screening shall be provided. The screening shall

    extend at least 10-feet in width measured from the interior property lines. No

    building, structure, driveway, private street, parking lot, sign, service area, loading

    area or materials storage shall be permitted in the screening area. No such screening

    shall extend closer to public street right-of-way lines than the established building

    setback line of the adjoining residential lot, and no screening shall be required along

    the line of a public street.

    Guideline: All uses in the southern and Northern district shall comply with the following buffer


      1. The buffer zone shall be measured from the property line.
    1. (2) A minimum buffer zone of 200-feet in width shall be provided along any

    common property line with a residential use or zoning district.

    (3) The buffer zone shall be capable of being maintained and kept clean of debris,

    rubbish, and other unsightly features.

    (4) No building, structure or physical improvements shall be permitted in the buffer

    zone, except:

      1. An access drive.

    (b) A storm water management facility.

    1. (c) Off-street parking, provided it shall not be located within 10-feet of any

    side or rear lot line, and shall be screened from any residential or

    institutional use.

      1. Permitted signage.
      1. No less than the exterior half of the buffer area shall be planted and maintained

    with grass or ground cover, massed evergreens, and deciduous trees and shrubs

    of such species and size as will produce, within two growing seasons, a screen at least 5-feet in height and of such density as will obscure, throughout the full course of a year, all of the glare of automobile headlights emitted from the premises.

      1. Massed evergreens used in screen planting shall be at least 4-feet in height
      2. when planted and produce a complete visual screen year round.

      3. The screen planting shall be maintained permanently and any plant
      4. material which does not live shall be replaced within 1 year.

      5. The screen planting shall be placed so that at maturity it will be no closer
      6. than 3 feet from any street or property line.

      7. A clear-sight triangle shall be maintained at all street intersections and at
      8. all points where private driveways intersect public streets (see Article 8.5).

      9. The screen planting shall be broken only at points of vehicular and

    pedestrian ingress and egress.

      1. General Standards.

    Guideline: Screening shall be continuous and in place at the time of occupancy. If vehicular or

    pedestrian access through the screen is necessary, the screening shall be preserved.

    Guideline: Screening may be architectural or vegetative, per the requirements below:

      1. Acceptable architectural screening materials include stockade fences,
      2. Masonry walls, brick walls, and earth berms, and other like materials approved by the Administrator.

      3. Architectural screening shall be at least four (4) feet in height, shall be
      4. Supplemented by plantings, and shall be subject to clear sight triangle requirements (see Article 8.5)

      5. Vegetative materials shall be kept alive and in good health.
      6. Evergreen vegetation shall be at least 4 feet in height. It must be maintained in
      7. good condition and allowed to grow at least 6 feet in height.

      8. Deciduous trees shall be supplemental and not deemed to be adequate

    screening in themselves.

    Guideline: Screening shall be of sufficient density and diversity to achieve the intent of this

    Article. However, at the time of planting, the spacing of trees shall not exceed 50? on

    center, and the planting pattern shall be staggered. Shrubbery shall be more closely

    spaced. Specific exceptions to this requirement may be granted by the Administrator

    to encourage quality and creativity of design where the intent of this Article is met.

    Guideline: Existing vegetation within buffer yards shall be considered as a substitute for

    otherwise required landscaping or screening, if in the opinion of the Administrator,

    the type, size, and density of the existing vegetation complies with the standards and

    intent of this Article.

    Guideline: When a proposed buffer yard has a variation in elevation of greater than 10 vertical

    feet at any point, the required screening or landscaping within the yard shall be placed

    to maximize the effectiveness of the screening or landscaping, as determined by the


    Guideline: Screening required by this Article shall be applied equally to all similarly situated

    properties. Modifications to these standards may be granted in writing by the

    Administrator if the Administrator finds any of the following circumstances exist on

    the building site, or surrounding properties:

      1. Natural land characteristics such as topography or existing vegetation on the
      2. building site would achieve the same intent of the Article.

      3. Innovative landscaping or architectural design is employed on the building site to
      4. Achieve an equivalent screening or buffering effect.

      5. The required screening and landscaping would be ineffective at maturity due to
      6. the topography of the site, and/or the location of the improvements on the site.

      7. The topography of adjacent and surrounding sites is such as to render required

    screening ineffective at maturity.


    Landscape character is created by architectural elements, streets, and site features such as walkways, signing, and lighting as well as plant materials and berming.

    In an attempt to unify the building sites and their architecture, landscaping as a design element will play the key role in creating and conveying the park-like working environment. The intent of these guidelines is to provide design criteria which will fulfill aesthetic considerations and help insure that the image is distinctive, understandable, and unifies the whole site with the surrounding community.


    8.1 General.

    Guideline: A landscape plan shall be submitted for review and approval by the DRC.

    All landscape plans shall contain the following information, unless

    Specifically waived.

      1. The location and dimensions of all existing and proposed structures
      2. Property lines, easements, parking lots and drives, roadways and right-

        Of-way, sidewalks, bicycle paths, ground signs, refuse disposal and recycling areas, fences, freestanding electrical equipment, recreational equipment, and any other freestanding structures;

      3. The location, quantity, size and name, both botanical and common
      4. Names, of all proposed plants;


      5. The location, quantity, size and names of all existing plants, indicating
      6. The plants to be retained and removed;

      7. The location of existing buildings, and structures and plants on adjacent
      8. Property within 20 feet of the site;

      9. Existing and proposed grading of the site indicating contours at two-
      10. Foot intervals. Proposed berming shall be indicated using one-foot


      11. Elevations of all fences and retaining walls (existing and proposed);
      12. Calculation of total area and percentage of the site in landscape area.

    Guideline: A minimum of at least 15% of the area within the property lines of a

    Development site shall be devoted to landscape materials (for additional

    Landscape requirements, see buffer guidelines).

    Guideline: Landscaping shall be required on all sites simultaneously with completion

    Of other improvements, but in no event later than 180 days after first

    Occupancy or completion of buildings, whichever shall occur first.

    Guideline: The property owner shall replace any dead landscape materials.

    Replacements shall be installed at the earliest possible time within a

    Planting season.

    Guideline: Landscaping should not obstruct sight lines at street or driveway

    Intersections (see Article 8.5 ? Clear Sight Triangles).

    Guideline: Existing vegetation may be preserved where practical, especially within

    Required side and rear setback areas.

    Guideline: During any construction operation on a parcel, the builder should erect

    Suitable protective barriers around all trees to be preserved, making sure

    That the trunks, branches, and root structures are not damaged by

    Construction equipment.

    Guideline: All exterior sculpture, fountains, flags, and like accessories on a site are

    Subject to the approval of the DRC.

    Guideline: Unless approved by the DRC, no artificial vegetation shall be permitted.

      1. Required Landscaping.
      2. Guideline: Each building site should contain a minimum 10-foot wide landscaped strip

        Around the side and rear perimeter thereof, except for approved access

        Points and utility crossings.

        Guideline: A minimum 20-foot wide landscaped strip shall be provided along the dedicated

        Rights-of-way of Coffey Avenue and Cargo Road (extended). A landscape

        Plan shall be submitted to and approved by the DRC prior to any new building


        Guideline: A minimum ten (10) foot wide landscaped strip shall be provided along the

        Rights-of-way of all public and private roads, except Coffey Avenue, and Cargo

        Road (extended). A landscape plan shall be submitted to and approved by the

        DRC prior to any new building construction.

      3. Materials.
      4. Guideline: All shrubs shall have a minimum planting height or spread of 18". Plants

        In five-gallon containers will generally comply with this standard.

        Guideline: Trees may be deciduous or evergreen. Deciduous trees at the time of

        Planting must be fully branched, have a minimum diameter of 1 ? inches

        Measured at 5 feet above the ground, and have a minimum height of 8 feet.

        Evergreen trees at the time of planting must be fully branched and have a

        Minimum height of 6 feet.

        Guideline: Evergreens should be incorporated into a site, particularly in those areas

        Where screening and buffering is required.

        Guideline: Plants shall be placed intermittently against long expanses of building

        Walls, fences, and other barriers to create a softening effect.

        Guideline: Planting beds shall be mulched with bark chips, decorative stone or other

        Similar materials,

        Guideline: Domestic turf grasses should be used in areas with less than a 50% slope

        To prevent water runoff.

        Guideline: Landscape materials should be selected and sited to produce a hardy and

        Drought-resistant landscape area. Selection should include consideration

        Of soil type and depth, the amount of maintenance required, spacing, and

        Exposure to sun and wind.

      5. Installation and Maintenance.
      6. Guideline: Plant materials shall be installed to current nursery industry standards.

        Plant materials shall be properly supported to ensure survival. Support

        Devices such as guy wires or stakes should not interfere with vehicular or

        Pedestrian movement. Stakes, guy wires or other measures should be

        Removed as soon as the plant can support itself.

        Guideline: Maintenance of landscaped areas is the ongoing responsibility of the

        Property owner. Required landscaping shall be continuously maintained

        In a healthy manner. Plants that die shall be replaced in kind.

        Guideline: All landscape materials shall be maintained in good condition so as to

        Present a healthy, neat, and orderly appearance, and shall be kept free of

        Refuse and debris.

        Guideline: Fences, walls, and hedges shall be maintained in good repair.

        Guideline: Irrigation plans shall be approved by the Administrator.

      7. Visual Obstruction.

    Guideline: A triangle-shaped portion of land shall be established at street intersections

    (including driveways and rail crossings) in which nothing is planted or allowed

    to grow in such a manner as to limit or obstruct the sight distance of motorists

    entering or leaving the intersection. A Clear-Sight Triangle shall be defined by

    taking the specified minimum measured distances from the points as indicated

    below for a driveway intersecting a street and for a street intersecting another

    street, respectively. These measured distances shall form the three points of the

    triangle which will then be connected.


    Clear-Sight Triangle for Driveways and Alleys


    Clear-Sight Triangle for Street Intersections



    All plans and specifications submitted to the DRC shall include specific information as to construction materials, construction methods used, diagrams of the number, type, and configuration of parking and loading spaces, and other information as necessary to show conformity with the municipal regulations and the standards described herein.

    9.1 Parking-General

    Guideline: Adequate off-street parking shall be provided to accommodate all parking needs

    For the development site. The intent is to eliminate the need for any on-street


    Guideline: Joint Parking Facilities. Required parking spaces, open or enclosed, may be

    Provided in spaces designed to serve jointly 2 or more establishments,

    Whether or not located on the same lot or structure, provided that the number

    Of required spaces in such joint facilities shall not be less than the total

    Required for all such establishments.

    Where it can be conclusively demonstrated that one or more such uses will

    Be generating a demand for parking spaces primarily during periods when the

    Other use, or uses, is not in operation, the DRC and/or Administrator may

    Reduce the total parking spaces required for that use with the greater


    Guideline: No off-street parking shall be closer than 10? to a principal structure, or

    Closer than 10? to any side or rear lot line.

    Guideline: All off-street parking spaces, aisles and driveways shall be clearly marked

    With white traffic paint to clearly delineate the spaces and indicate the

    Direction of traffic flow.

    Guideline: Where lightening is provided for off-street parking, it shall be directed and

    Shaded so as not to fall on adjacent properties.

    Guideline: All open parking areas shall be surfaced with an Asphaltic or Portland

    Cement or similar durable and dustless surface and shall be graded and

    drained so as to dispose of all surface water anticipated within the area.

    Guideline: No recreational vehicle shall be parked on-site and used for living or business


    Guideline: Pedestrian walkways through parking and loading areas are encouraged in order

    To provide physical separation of vehicular and pedestrian access in a safe


      1. Parking-Location

    Guideline: Off-Site Facilities. All permitted and required off-street parking spaces open

    Or enclosed, shall be located on the same parcel as the use for which the spaces are provided. Except such spaces may be provided elsewhere, within a radius

    Not greater than 250? from that parcel, provided and shall be maintained for the

    Use for which they are provided and shall be subject to deed restrictions filed in

    An office of record, binding the owner and his heirs and/or successors and

    Assigns to maintain the required number of spaces throughout the life of such


    Guideline: Off-Street parking spaces that are located on the ground and open to the sky

    May be located in any required yard unless otherwise required for screening,

    Buffering, landscaping, or unless prohibited by municipal regulations.

    Guideline: All parking spaces, except for existing Southern District development, shall be

    Located so that maneuvering in or backing into a public street shall not be

    Required for ingress or egress from such spaces.

    9.3 Parking-Number of Spaces.

    Guideline: In computing the number of off-street parking spaces, the following general

    Rules shall apply:

      1. Gross floor area shall include walls, restrooms, mechanical rooms,
      2. Stairwells, elevators, etc. of a particular use, building or structure.

      3. Where a fractional space results, the number required shall be
      4. Construed to be the next higher whole number.

      5. If a particular use is not listed herein, such use shall be provided
      6. With off-street parking spaces as require for a listed use of

        Similar nature as determined by the Administrator.

      7. Whenever a building or use is changed or enlarged in floor area, or
      8. Modified as to increase the number of employees, seating capacity

        Or in any other manner to create a need for a greater number of

        Off-street parking spaces, such spaces shall be provided on the basis

        Of the enlargement or change in conformity with this section.

      9. In the even that there is more than one use which requires off-street
      10. Parking spaces that is conducted on the same premises, the total

        Off-street parking requirement shall be the sum of that required

        For each of the individual uses, except for approved joint parking


      11. Whenever commercial motor vehicles, other vehicles, or special

    Equipment are required to be parked on the premises in connection

    With a use, required off-street parking spaces shall be provided in addition to the space requirements to park such vehicles or equipement.

    Guideline: Parking requirements for specific uses shall be provided as generally specified

    Below. Off-street requirements for uses which do not fall within these

    Catagories shall be determined by the DRC and Administrator.

    Use Minimum Parking Spaces

    Bank or financial use 1 parking space for every 200

    Square feet of floor area; provided

    That where banking facilities are

    Provided from drive-through teller

    Bays, these parking requirements

    May be reduced by 3 spaces for

    Each drive-through teller bay, but

    Not exceed a maximum reduction

    Of 9 spaces.

    Child care center 1 space per employee, plus 1 space

    Per facility vehicle.

    ` Public Building and places of 1 space per 200 square feet of floor

    public assembly area, but not less than 1 space for

    each 3.5 seats where provided.

    Court games 1 space for every 2 players at

    Maximum capacity.

    Restaurants, cafeteria, eating or 1 space per 3 seats, or 1 space per

    Drinking establishments 100 square feet of total floor area,

    Whichever is greater.

    Professional offices of physicians, 5 spaces per each physician,

    Dentists, and veterinarians dentist, or veterinarian.

    Offices and businesses 1 space for every 200 square feet of

    Gross floor area.

    Rail store 7 spaces for every 1,000 square feet

    Of gross floor area.

    Wholesale, warehouse, 1 space for each employee on an

    Manufacturing, and average working shift or 1 space

    Industrial facilities for each 1,000 square feet of floor

    Area, whichever is greater.


    Parking Angle

    Parking Space Width

    Parking Space Length

    One-Way Aisle/Driveway Width

    Two-Way Aisle/Driveway Width






    30 Degrees

    9' x 9.5' x 10'




    45 Degrees

    9' x 9.5' x 10'




    60 Degrees

    9' x 9.5' x 10'




    90 Degrees

    9' x 9.5' x 10'





      1. Parking Area Screening and Landscaping.

    The purpose of this section is to lessen the visual effect that large parking areas can have through the use of minimal landscaping standards.

    Guidelines: Surface parking areas shall have a minimum of 10% of the total area devoted

    To landscaping within the interior of the parking area. Such landscaping shall

    Meet the following minimum standards:

      1. A minimum of one 1 ?" caliper tree shall be required per five parking
      2. Stalls. Trees must be placed in the immediate vicinity of parking stalls,

        Credit will not be given for perimeter-degree tree plantings. Trees may be clustered.

      3. Tree wells and planter areas within paved areas shall provide a
      4. Minimum of 3-foot clear planting space.

      5. Curbs should be used instead of wheel stops around tree wells and
      6. Planting areas.

      7. The use of a single tree species throughout the parking area is


    Guideline: Off-street parking areas for more than 5 vehicles shall be screened on each

    Side which faces premises in any residential zoning district.

    Guideline: Perimeter landscape strips shall be continuous and unbroken except for

    Driveways and sidewalks.

      1. Off-Street Loading Areas.
      2. Guideline: Every building erected or occupied by a commercial, manufacturing, or

        Service establishment, storage or warehouse facility or other enterprise

        Which involves the distribution of materials or merchandise by motor

        Vehicle shall provide and maintain on the same premises off-street

        Loading spaces in conformity with the following:

        Use Loading Spaces

        Retail store, or group of 1 space per every 20,000

        Retail stores square feet of floor area or

        Fraction thereof.

        Wholesale Same as above.

        Any establishment offering Same as above.

        Alcoholic beverages, food or

        Refreshment for on premises


        Manufacturing and industrial use Same as above.

        Places of public assembly Same as above.

        Truck terminal, transportation, 1 space plus 1 additional

        Transfer or storage terminal, freight space for every 3,000 square

        Station, warehouse feet of floor area or fraction

        Thereof in excess of 3,000 square


        Distributors of food, beverages Same as above.

        Or merchandise where the principal

        Activity is transfer of products from one

        Form of transportation to another,

        Provided at least one such form of

        Transportation utilizes highway vehicles

        Guideline: An off-street loading space shall be located within a building or adjacent to the

        Service entrance, loading dock, loading bay or that area of a building generally

        Requiring motor freight service.

        Guideline: Off-street loading spaces, open or enclosed, shall be paved, shall be at least

        12? wide and 33? long, and shall have a 14? high minimum vertical clearance.

        Guideline: Unobstructed access, at least 10? wide, to and from a street shall be provided.

        Such access may be combined with access to a parking lot.

        Guideline: All permitted or required loading spaces shall be on the same parcel as the use

        For which they are provided.

        Guideline: No entrance or exit for any off-street loading area shall be located within 50? of

        Any street intersection.

        Guideline: No off-street loading space shall be located in any front yard.

        Guideline: No off-street loading space shall be located within 10? of any side or rear

        Yard which adjoins a residential use or zoning district.

        Guideline: Truck loading areas should be positioned along the rear property line or

        Between industrial buildings that have been placed back to back. In both

        Cases, the areas should be screened from the view of the rest of the park.

        And neighboring properties. Screening may consist of hedges, tree rows,

        Fences, berms, grade changes, backs of buildings, etc.

        Guideline: Adequate truck maneuvering area shall be provided so that all maneuvers take

        Place on-site.

      3. Curb Cuts and Driveways

    Guideline: To reduce traffic congestion, sharing of curb cuts is encouraged.

    Guideline: All driveways shall be no less than three (3) feet from a lot line or may be

    Adjacent to the lot line if a common driveway is provided for adjoining lots.

    Guideline: Unobstructed access to and from a street shall be provided. Such access shall

    Consist of at lease one (1) 10? lane for parking areas with less than 20 spaces,

    And at least two (2) 10? lanes for parking areas with 20 spaces or more.

    Guideline: No entrance or exit for any off-street parking area shall be located within 75?

    Of the intersection of the centerlines of adjacent streets.

    Guideline: Driveways should be curbed and guttered, except in the read of buildings and

    As allowed by the DRC.


    Graphics and signage are used to identify, communicate information and control vehicular traffic. The primary goal is to provide a design that is both functional and a unifying, attractive element

    Within the site development.

    10.1 Submittal.

    Guideline: All proposed exterior signs for each facility shall be submitted to the DRC for

    Review and approval.

    Guideline: Sufficient drawings to show size and placement of proposed signs, materials

    And colors, and preliminary details of sign construction shall be submitted to

    The DRC for approval.

      1. General Standards.

    Guideline: All signs shall be removed within 30 days after the circumstances leading to

    Their erection no longer apply.

    Guideline: No sign may be erected in such a manner that obstructs the view of oncoming

    Traffic, whether from the driveway or the intersecting road. Signs which

    Contain open spaces or are elevated in order to permit safe sight distances,

    Shall be permitted provided the applicant can demonstrate that such sight

    Distance is assured.

    Guideline: Prohibited Signs.

      1. Commercial advertising signs, outdoor advertising structures, or
      2. Billboards which advertise products or businesses not connected

        With the site or building on which they are located.

      3. Roof top signs
      4. Signs located or projected within any street right-of-way.
      5. Flashing, moving and rotating signs.

    Guideline: No sign shall be located within the Clear Sight Triangle (see Article 8.5)

    Unless elevated so as not to restrict visibility.

    Guideline: Where there exists or are proposed 2 points of ingress and egress to any

    Property , a sign shall be placed at only 1 such point, unless separated by

    More than 800?.

    Guideline: All directional, traffic, and parking control signs on a site should be

    Restricted to the minimum necessary, be unobtrusive, consistent in format,

    Lettering and coloring.

    Guideline: Signs shall relate only to organizations, goods, services or activities on the

    Site upon which the sign is located. No billboards or outdoor advertising

    Relating to off-site goods, services, activities or establishments shall be


    Guideline: Signs advertising the sale or rental of the site on which they are located are

    Permitted, provided:

      1. The size of any such sign is not in excess of 10 square feet.

    (2) Not more than 2 signs are placed upon any property unless such

    property fronts upon more than one street, in which case 2 more

    signs may be erected on each additional frontage.

    Guideline: A maximum of 1 sign per entrance and exit shall be permitted, with a

    Maximum size of 4 square feet each.

    Guideline: 1 sign per parking area designating the conditions or use or identity of

    Such parking area shall be permitted, provided that on a corner lot 2 such

    Signs shall be permitted, one facing each street. The maximum size sign

    Shall be 9 square feet.

    Guideline: Development signs shall be permitted, provided that:

      1. The maximum size shall be 32 square feet.
      2. There shall be a maximum of 2 signs per street frontage.
      3. Signs shall be removed by the owner or the developer within

    30 days of the final sale of the property.

    Guideline: Off-site signs indicating the location and direction of premises available

    For or in the process of development, containing the name of the owner,

    Developer, builder, or agent, may be erected and maintained, provided:

      1. The maximum size of the sign is 6 square feet and the maximum
      2. Length is 4 feet.

      3. The maximum number of signs shall not exceed 1 per 500 feet of

    Street frontage.

    Guideline: Signs of mechanics, painters, and other artisans may be erected and maintained

    During the period such persons are performing work on the premises on

    Which the signs are erected, provided:

      1. The maximum size shall be 12 square feet.
      2. Signs shall be removed promptly upon completion of the work.
      1. Ground (freestanding) Signs.
      2. Guideline: No more than 1 ground sign per parcel street frontage shall be permitted,

        Unless located at points of ingress and egress in excess of 800 feet apart.

        Guideline: Ground signs may be single sided or double sided, however only 1 side

        Shall be utilized to determine the sign area, provided the distance between

        The two faces does not exceed 3-feet.

        Guideline: No ground sign shall be located or projected within the established

        Right-of-way of any street, in the required side or rear yard setback area, or

        Within the Clear sigh Triangle, unless elevated so as not to restrict


        Guideline: All ground signs shall have a minimum setback of 20-feet from the curb.

        Guideline: The maximum size and maximum height of office, business, and industrial

        Ground signs shall comply with the following:

        District Size Height

        Central District 50 square feet 20-feet

        Southern District 50 square feet 20-feet

        Northern District 100 square feet 20-feet

        Highway District 32 square feet 20-feet

      3. Wall Signs.

    A wall sign shall be defined as follows:

      1. A sign which is painted on or attached parallel or directly to the surface of a building
      2. Wall;

      3. A projecting sign;
      4. A sign affixed flat against the sloping surface of a decorative (not roof) mansard
      5. Structure;

      6. A sign which is affixed to a building?s marque, awning or canopy;
      7. A painted window sign

    Guideline: A wall mounted sign shall not project more than 15-inches from the wall

    Surface and shall not project above the eave line.

    Guideline: Wall mounted signs shall comply with the following maximum sizes:

    District Maximum Size

    Central District 50 square feet

    Southern District 50 square feet

    Northern District 100 square feet

    Highway District 32 square feet

      1. Materials.
      2. Guideline: All signs shall be constructed of durable materials and maintained in a

        Good state of repair.

      3. Illumination.

    Guideline: Signage may be internally or externally illuminated, provided the

    Illumination does not extend or project off-site.


    .11.1 Antennae.

    Guideline: A television, radio, or other electronic antenna or device of any type may

    Be erected, constructed, placed, or permitted upon approved in writing by

    The DRC and Administrator.









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